Presentation 2 - America Has no History  


A presentation on the American history, with a focus on the Freemasons involved. 1733-1865

Index   A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
    17th Texas Cavalry (Clough Rangers)
    20 Maine
A   Anasazi
    Amistead, Lewis, Alexandria-Washington Lodge #22, Alexandria, Virginia, also slide 27
    Anderson, Robert also slides 22, 25
    Appomattox, also slide 28
    Army of Northern Virginia, also slides 27
    Army Of The Potomac
    Arnold, Dr. Richard. D.
B   Battle Flag, CSA
    Barnes, Roy
    Beauregard, Brig. Gen. P. G. T.
    Billy the Kid
    Bingham, Henry Harrison, of Chartiers Lodge #297 Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
    Black Friday
    Bridges, Jeff
    Brown, John
    Brunswick, Maine
    Buford, Brig. Gen. John
    Butterfield, Daniel of Metropolitan Lodge No. 273, New York
C   Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
    Canyon de Chelly
    Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence of United Lodge #8, Brunswick, Maine, also slide 27
    Charleston, also slide 21, 23, 24, 43
    Clay, Henry
    Cleyburn, Patrick of Lafayette lodge #16, Helena, Arkansas
    Confederate Army battle flag, also slide 19,
    Cook, John
    Corbin, Abel
D   Dallas
    Declaration of Independence
E   Early, Jubal
    Evergreen Cemetry also slide 30
F   First National Flag
    Foote, Shelby, also slide 32

Forrest, Nathan Beford of Angerona Lodge No. 168, Memphis, Tennessee

G   Gable, Clark
    Geary, General in the Union Army
    Georgia also slide 27
    Geogia State Seal
    Gettysburg, also slides 25, 27, 42
    Gettysburg Address
    Gettysburg Nation Cemetry also slide 31
    Gordon, George Henry
    Gordon, John Brown, of Gate City Lodge #2, Atlanta also slide 28
    Grant, Ulysses S.also slide 45
    Gulfstream Aerospace
H   Hawaii
    Heth, Henry of Rocky Mountain Lodge #205 Utah territory
    Hindman, Thomas C.
I   Johnson, Fort
    Jones, Marcellus
J   Johnson, Robert
K   Kennedy, John
    Kennedy, John J.

Lee, Henry - Light Horse Harry

    Lee, Robert E. - Confederate General, also slide 22, 28
    Lincoln, Abraham, - President of United States, also slide 30
    Little Round Top also slide 28
M   Marching Through Georgia
    Martin, William Porter
    Medal of Honor, Bingham, Butterfield, Chamberlain,
    Maltese Cross
    McCarty, William Henry (Billy the Kid)
    McCulloch, Ben
    Meteor Crater
    Miles,William Porcher
    Morgan, John Hunt of Daviess Lodge #22, Lexington, Kentucky
    Motto, In God We Trust
    Moultrie, Fort
N   New Mexico also slide 39

Oglethorpe, James also slide 10, 11, 12, 19,

    Ovens, Ireland
P   Painted Desert
    Paker, Issac - Judge
    Pea Ridge, Battle of (Elkhorn Tavern)
    Joseph B. Palmer, of Mt. Moriah Lodge #18
    Pennsylvania Memorial
    Perdue, Sonny
    Petrified Forest
    Philadelphia, also slide 27
    Pickett, George, of Dove Lodge #51 Virginia
    Pike, Albert also slides 21, 37, 41
    Pilgrims Plymouth Colony
    Pioneer Park, Dallas
Q   Quaker, The Fighting
R   Revolutionary War
    Reynolds, John
    Rocky Mountain Lodge #205, Utah territory
    Rousakis Plaza

Santa Fe, New Mexico

    Savannah, also slides 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 46
    Second National Flag
    Scottish Rite
    Sharps, Christian
    Sherman, William Tecumseh also slides 14, 15, 24
    Smith, Fort - Arkansas
    Solomon's Lodge
    Stars and Bars
    Supreme Council of the thirty third degree
    Sumter, Fort also slides 24, 25, 43
    Sunbury Oak
T   Taos, New Mexico
    Third National Flag
    Treaty of Paris
U   Utah Territory
    United Daughters of the Confederacy also slide 43, 44
V   Virginia
    Virginia Colony
W   Wallace, Lew of Fountain Lodge #60 Indiana also slide 34
    Warren, Texas
    Wayne, John of Marion McDaniel Lodge No. 56, Arizona
    Wheaton, Illinois
    Wesley, Charles
    Wesley, John
    Westerfield, James
    White House Ruins
    Wizard of the Saddle
Y   Yel Riffles