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Now we will travel north from Savannah Georgia to Charleston, South Carolina.

Market Hall, which was completed in 1841. The upper room of the hall initially served as a large assembly room, and later as a military recruiting office at the outbreak of the Civil War.
In 1899, the United Daughters of the Confederacy began using Market Hall to house the Confederate Museum, which displayed Confederate artefacts and other items from the city's Civil War period. <NEXT>

Supplemental Information
The museum closed in 1989, however, after Market Hall suffered substantial damage during Hurricane Hugo (including the partial removal of its roof).

Following Hurricane Hugo in 1989, the building was restored by the City of Charleston and received a Carolopolis Award from the Preservation Society in January 2003. The building was repainted in its original colours, which included strong ochre colouring and bright green ironwork, much to the displeasure of many locals, including the mayor of Charleston. <NEXT>