November 2023

Dear Sir & Brother

You are summoned to attend a stated Communication of your Lodge, to be held in the Arthur Square Masonic Hall, Belfast, on Thursday, 23 November 2023 , at the hour of 7;15 p.m. for the honour, welfare, and advancement of the order.

W. Bro. G. Lee , Secretary


Line   Line

█ The Board of General Purposes
The Board Of General Purposes meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. all Brethren are cordially invited to attend. This month the oard will be on Thursday, 16th November 2023.

Board of Purposed this Month: Until the Covid situation improves the Board will be via Zoom.

█ Officers of the Lodge are reminded that attendance at the Board of General Purposes is an obligation of office.

█ Masonic Charities
All Brethren are invited to subscribe at least one months extra dues per year to our widows' gifts.

█ Dues
Brethren are reminded that the Annual Dues are payable annually in advance, in January, except in case of Brethren permanently retired from gainful employment, when dues of one half the Annual Dues shall be payable, provided the retired brother records at least three attendance's or written apologies.

Brethren are Reminded:
Only written apologies can be accepted against attendances.

Suggested Masonic Links

Lane's Masonic Records

Freemasonry Today

Masonic Poetry Through the Ages

Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon

The Magpie Mason

Provincial Grand Lodge of Ant rim


Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim

All Things Masonic:

Freemasonry today

Joel Roberts Poinsett


Officers for 2023
W. M.   W. Bro. S. Campbell
S. W.   W. Bro. N. Mullen
J. W.   W. Bro. S. Worbey
S. D.   W. Bro. D Savage
J. D.   Bro. M. Hewitt
I. G.   W. Bro. M. Reid
Treasurer   W. Bro. F. Lee
Secretary   W. Bro. G. Lee
D. of C.   W. Bro. H. Thompson
S. of Charities   W. Bro. D. Savage
Almoner   W. Bro. D. Savage
Chaplain   W. Bro. G. Lavin
Rep. C. of Inspection   W. BroG. Lee
Rep. B. of G. P.   W. Bro. G. Lee
Rep. R.St. Charity C.   W. Bro. D. Savage
Rep.Widows Charity C.   W. Bro. D. Savage
Auditors   R. Mayne
    D. Savage


To be amused by what you read--that is the great spring of happy quotations......


  • Circular
  • Minutes
  • Correspondence
  • Applogies
  • Ballot
  • A.O.B.

Lodge Website

Glandore on the Web
Connections has now more that 8,421 data points.

A password protected section has been created for the Lodge website to enable the old printed circulars to made available.

The password is available from W. Bro. R. Mayne



It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again . . . who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”

President Theodore Roosevelt
Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, 23rd April 1910


  Centenary Suggestion?

For information on how the Centenary funds, if approved by the lodge, will Operate see....


Have you any suggestions?




Brethren are requested to keep the secretary informed of any
changes that may arise, such as change of address or sickness.