Centenary Fund

On 6 February 2024 the Lodge will reach it's 100th anniversary. Whilst this milesone is still a long time off, the Lodge intends to establish a centenary fund to assist with marking this event in a suitable manner. This web page explains how the fund will function.

The fund will be in two parts, the 'Lodge Centenary Fund' and the 'Members Centenary Fund'.

The Lodge Centenary Fund
This will be contributed two from funds raised by the lodge. Various means may be used to raise money including ballots, special fund raising events, a levy on dues etc. Both the method of raising money and the use to which the money will be put will be decided in the normal manner and the money will be a normal part of Lodge funds. Disposal of the fund will be entirely at the discretion of the Lodge members.

The Members Centenary Fund
Unlike the Lodge Centenary Fund the Member centenary fund will be separate from Lodge Funds any money deposited will be from individuals and the money will remain within the fund. The intention is for this fund to operate in manner of a personal saving fund. The scheme will be entirely optional and brother may join of leave at any time.

Money deposited in the fund will be returned on request to the depositor. Alternatively he may use the fund to purchase any of the specially produced centenary items or to help fund attendance at any Lodge event run in conjunction with the centenary celebrations.

Money deposited will only be accepted in the centenary fund deposit envelopes.

The Lodge will elect trustees to manage the Members Centenary Fund.

Each Brother shall be able to check his balance online. This will balance information will be protected by individual password.

The Lodge will have no access to the Members Centenary Fund. Even is members is in areas of dues the Lodge can under no circumstances access the Members Centenary Fund. A member on written request may make use of the money he has deposited in Members Centenary to pay areas of dues.

A written statement will be posted to any brother making statement request.

The Lodge will appoint or reappoint administrators to administer the fund.

The Lodge will appoint auditors to audit the Members Centenary Fund accounts.

No-one may server as an administrator and an auditor.

In the event of the untimely death of a member of the Members Centenary fund the money will be returned to the members nominated next of kin, or if the member so elects, donated to the Lodge.

Interest accrued through the operation of the Members Centenary Fund will be transferred to the Lodge Centenary Fund thus helping to fund the centenary celebrations.