Distinguished Brethren


W. Bro. Michael Brown PPDGI
The name of Michael Brown has for many years been synonymous with the toast to the Worshipful Master but his work in the Lodge as Director of Ceremonies for ten years was equally impressive. Michael was initiated on 29th December 1975 and became W. Master in 1985. He also served as Provincial Grand Inspector. When the Lodge found itself in difficulty in finding someone to give the Worshipful Master degree Michael vowed that Glandore would never again find itself in that position again. The following year he gave the W.M. degree and has been doing so ever since.

V. W. Bro. James Caddoo PPSGW
Initiated into Glandore on 30th December 1974 and became Worshipful Master in 1984, Jim right from the outset showed a enthusiasm for Masonic Ritual and has for 29 years preformed most of the E.A., F.C. and M.M. degrees, in Glandore. In 2000, when W. Bro. Brown was forced by the ten year rule to stand down as Director of ceremonies, W. Bro. Caddoo was elected to succeed him. In 2003, in recognition for the fine work and service that Jim has given the order and Glandore in particular, the Lodge proposed him as Provincial Senior Grand Warden.

W. Bro. James Henry Thompson PPJGD
Proposed a member of the Lodge by W. Bro. Roy Davidson, W. Bro Thompson was Initiated into Glandore on 27thDecember 1984, passed on the 28th March 1985 and raised on the 29th April of the same year. Even with conscientious attendance the strength of the Lodge at this time meant that it was 1996 before Harry was unanimously elected Worshipful Master. On leaving the chair harry continued to play an active part in the Lodge and in 1997 Harry took on the roll of Lodge Stewart of Charities. In 2008 the Brethren proposed W. Bro. Thompson for Provincial honours. He was elected Provincial Grand Junior Deacon and Invested on 28th February 2009 by Rt. W. Bro. John Dunlop at ceremony in Rosemary Street, Belfast.

W. Bro. Frank Lee PPSGD
One of number of Brthren proposed for membership of Glandore Lodge W. Bro R. Davison, Frank proved to be a member who was very willing to assist in any way he could, serving as assitant Secretary from 2003 and Treasurer from 20??. Proposed by Glandore Lodge, Bro. Frank Lee became Provincial Senior Grand Deacon, of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim in 2017.