Distinguished Brethren

V. W. Bro. Henry Madill PPSGW
The task of succeeding the V. W. Bro. Cecil Adrain as secretary fell to V. W. Bro. Henry Madill. To follow a good secretary is a difficult task, but time has shown Glandore to be extremely fortunate in having replaced one exceptionally good secretary with another. In 1989 W. Bro. Madill was elected Chairman of the Antrim Committee of Inspection, and in 1990 was appointed P.G.I. In 1993 W. Bro. Madill was elected Provincial Senior Grand Warden. Unfortunately V. W. Bro. Madill was the first (and last!) Secretary of Glandore to be forced to give up his office due to the ‘Ten Year Rule’.

W. Bro. John Brown PPGMSB
Lodge records show that on the 17th November 1938, John Logan Brown of 45 Haddington Gardens, Belfast, received the First or E.A. Degree at the hands of Brothers O’Neill, Burns and Steenson, the second of two first degrees given on that evening. From that day to this he has shown absolute commitment in the application of his considerable talents for the benefit of Glandore Lodge and Freemasonry in general.
Having received his F.C. degree on the 15th December 1938 and his M.M. degree on the 16th February 1939 he was presented with his Grand Lodge Certificate on the 16th March 1939. A Masonic career had commenced that has to date spanned 60 years.
Bro. Brown was elected Worshipful Master of Glandore in 1959 and in 1965 he became Lodge Treasurer. During his term as treasurer he set-up the Retired Brethren fund thus ensuring that no Brother need give up membership of the Lodge when he retires from gainful employment.

In the mid-seventies W. Bro. Brown was honoured by Her Majesty the Queen with and O.B.E. for his service in public life, and in 1978 provincial honours where bestowed on W. Bro. Brown when he, at the request of the Provincial Grand Master, became the provincial Grand Masters Standard bearer. In 1980 W. Bro. Brown Resigned as treasurer after 17 years in the post.

W. Bro. Brown still attends his Lodge, and in the very near future Glandore will have the honour and privilege to present W. Bro Jack Brown with a second bar for his 50 year jewel, representing 70 years of exceptional service to Glandore Lodge.