What is Freemasonry?

A simple enough question that has been answered in many way by many people.  George Washington described it thus  "The grand object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race."  A grand objective indeed.  Dr. Dodd has different perspective when describing freemasonry:-

 "Freemasonry is an institution founded on eternal reason and truth; whose deep basis is the civilisation of mankind, and whose everlasting glory is to have the immovable support of those two mighty pillars, science and morality."

The Grand Lodge of Ireland describes Freemasonry as one of the world's oldest fraternal societies that has flourished in Ireland for more than 300 years bringing together men of goodwill, integrity, tolerant of the beliefs of others, charitable in disposition and striving to achieve high moral standards in every aspect of life.

Freemasonry can be many things to many people.  It is an inclusive organisation welcoming men from many religious faiths, but it's not all inclusive, since it excludes atheists and agnostics.  Its purpose is to make good men better.

