What is a Freemason?

A letter to a London Newspaper 1869



What is a Freemason?  This question is often asked

I will tell you what he is.


He is a dutiful child, an affectionate parent, a tender husband, a faithful servant, a good master, a peaceful neighbour, a loyal subject, a wise king, a just ruler, and a true friend.

He is full of affection to his brethren, faithful to his friends, generous to his enemies, warm and compassionate to the unfortunate, self denying to little private interests and happiness, magnanimous without being proud, humble without being mean, just without being harsh, on whose words we can rely entirely, whose professions of kindness an effusions of the heart; one in whom independently of any view of advantage, we should choose for a superior, could trust as friend, and could love as a brother from the same parent

This is freemasonry according to Freemasonry

Your fraternally

A Brother