W. M. and Officers of Glandore welcome Bro.  Walter Coopey and W. Bro. R. B. Jones of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to our September 2006 communication. 


Front (left to right): W.Bro R. Mayne, W.Bro. R. B. Jones, W.Bro M. Erwin, Bro W. Coopey,
W.Bro. H. Rodgers, W. Bro Frank Lee. Bro. R. Campbell

Rear: W.Bro Matt Jenkins, W.Bro. Alan Watson, V.W.Bro. J Caddoo, W.Bro.G. Lee,
W.Bro. D. Savage, Bro. J. Pavis, W.Bro G Saunders, W. Bro. H. Thompson


Walt Coopey is a 32nd degree Master Mason, Knight Templar, Noble of the Mystic Shrine

Bob Jones is a Past Master of Avalon Lodge #657, Past Thrice Potent Master Lodge of Perfection,
Noble of the Mystic Shrine of North America, Royal Order of Jesters, Knight of the Royal Order of Scotland, Knight Templar, and 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason.