Officers for 2024                100th Anniversary Year   

Worshipful Master

W. Bro. James Walsh

Immediate Past Master

  W. Bro. Stephen Humphrey

Senior Warden


W. Bro. Neil Mullan

Junior Warden


W. Bro. Sid Worbey



W. Bro. Frank Lee

Assistant Treasurer




W. Bro. George Lee

Assistant Secretary


Director of Ceremonies


W. Bro. Harry Thompson

Stewart of Charities


W. Bro. David Savage



W. Bro. David Savage



W. Bro. Granville Lavin

Senior Deacon


W. Bro. David Savage

Junior Deacon


W. Bro. Mark Hewitt

Inner Guard


Bro. Martin Reid

Representative to the PGL Board of General Purposes

  W. Bro. George Lee

Representative to the Committee of Inspection

  W. Bro. George Lee

Representative to the Rosemary Street Charity Committee


W. Bro. David Savage

Representative to the Widows and Charity Committee


W. Bro. David Savage



W. Bro. Robert Mayne

W. Bro. David. Savage