

Connections Cloud

'Connections' is a collection of connected information with a distinct bias towards Freemasonary and Freemasons. By clicking on topics in the display window you can explore the connections between the lodges, people, events, dates etc. The Information is not exclusively Masonic by rather has a strong Masonic bias. Use the link above to start browsing connections.

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The primary purpose is to store information in a way that assists with seeing connections, or coincidences that would otherwise remain hidden. Did you know that the Famous Footballer Billy Wright was born on the day that Glandore Lodge was constituted?

Is it possible to navigate from Glandore Lodge to say the actor John Wayne. The answer is yes, but in how many jumps? Without going through Masonic Connections Home #1. Note:There are multiple paths

Navigating the the brian can be a bit like driving without a map. You have little notion of where you are going orhow to get there. You can search the database. try entering John Wayne in the Search box.

Connections Image

You may find that the pages doesn't display properly in Internet explorer. To resolve this go to tools, select 'compatibility tools settings' and add

You can also search for data by entering text in the search box (the white box just above Lodge 551 in the example below) A list of matching entries appears above the search box. Select one of these entries to jump to that entry.

Scroll bars appear when the amount of data is too numerous to fit within the window. You can also hide the textual information at the bottom of the screen to make navivations easier. Simply click on the down arrow on the diver betwwen the map and the text. Click on the up arrow to restore the Text area. The test area is used to provide narative information and links to the sources used etc

A Square and Compass icon appears beside the name of any Freemason listed in the database.

The software for creating this type of mind map is free and you can obtain a copy by following the download link.

Database Structure: The data base is currently under construction. The content and structure are subject to change. The page shown here is unlike;y to look just like it did when it was included in these instructions.

Selective Knowledge: The database contains information about, for example, about the signatories to the US declaration of indepenance, some of the signatories have further detail and other have none. It's no coicidence that those with additional information are the members of Freemasonry who signed the declaration. All the signatories are included to give balance, otherwise the database may give the impression that only freemasons signed the declaration, when in truth only a small number where Freemasons.

Research: This is not a research database. It's purpose is more for amusement than scholarly investigation. The database therefore contains links to other sources to enable those suitably inspired to delve beyound the scant information provided in 'Connections'.