Christmas Circular 2007

A table, complete with drawing, was produced in CorelDRAW and added to the composition in PhotoShop.

The figure studiously contemplating the drawings was added by drawing directly in PhotoShop.

Who is the figure meant to be?
In the Mural by John Luke, three figures stand around a table apparently considering the the plans for the temple. One is obviously meant to be King Solomon, one is the High Priest and the other we can assume is perhaps the Widow's Son or Chief Scribe. To the right is someone carrying a rolled up drawing. Was this character bringing the drawing to the table for the consideration of the three principle characters, or was he simply waiting on the great and the good to depart so that he could spread his drawing on the table? He is perhaps an overseer.

What is certain, is that John Luke's mural cleverly combines the symbolism and and legends of Craft and Royal Arch Masonry.

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Christmas Circular 2007