On Freemasonry

-La Fayette

"Freemasonry is an order whose leading star is philanthropy, and whose principles inculcate an unceasing devotion to the cause of virtue and morality."

- Lorenzo Dow

"It is noble in it's administration; to think and let think, beyond the narrow contracted prejudices of bitter sectarians in these modern times.  It is general or universal language fitted to benefit the poor stranger, which no other institution is calculated to reach by extending the benificent hand."


"Freemasonry is a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols"


"The grand object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race"


- Rev. Erastus Burr

"From its origin to the present hour, in all its vicissitudes, Masonry has been the steady, unvarying friend of man"

By Freemasons

-Albert Pike

"Learn, that you may be enabled to do good; and do so because it is right, finding in the act itself ample reward and recompense."